Teeth Whitening in Auburn, WA
Dr. Marie Durflinger offers teeth whitening service.
By safely enhancing the color of your teeth, you can remove years of discoloration and stains. We offer a prescription strength home bleaching system to help you achieve your desired look. Studies have shown that bleaching done through a licensed dentist is far more effective than even the most expensive over-the-counter whitening kit.
Our at-home bleaching service can be done at your own pace and in the convenience of your own home. Our friendly staff will fit you for your custom made bleach trays and your trays will be ready in just a few days. We will show you how to get the most out of your professional prescription strength bleaching solution and within 1-2 weeks you will have a whiter and brighter smile. If you have stains due to coffee, tea, nicotine or other reasons, at home whitening can be just what you are looking for.
Call Dr. Durflinger Today to learn how to get your teeth whitening kit complimentary by calling 253-833-2200